Everything you need to know about TikTok Order Center and Shopping Ads

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What started as a simple entertainment app quickly became a product discovery platform, and now it’s moving closer and closer to becoming an ecommerce engine. This week, TikTok announced its latest round of new shopping features, TikTok ‘Order Center’ and TikTok Shopping Ads. These product updates provide businesses with more opportunities to drive sales on the platform by simplifying the shopping experience for consumers.

TikTok ‘Order Center’: a dedicated shopping space on the platform

TikTok is testing a new display feature that allows users to see an overview of their shopping activity on the app. Information like order status, payment methods, shipping details, saved items, and product recommendations can all be found easily through the new display tab. Consider it a home base for all things shopping on TikTok.

Adding a section to its platform that is strictly dedicated to ecommerce tracking is a big move for TikTok, and pushes it further in the direction of social commerce. While most users currently open the app for entertainment, education, or inspiration, the ‘Order Center’ creates a new intent for consumers – to actively engage in shopping behavior.

The value of ecommerce tracking on TikTok

To fully grasp the impact of this feature, put yourself in the shoes of the consumer. You’re scrolling on TikTok and come across a cool Adidas hat someone is wearing in a hip-hop video. You see there’s a direct link to view the hat on Adidas’ TikTok Shopping profile. You click on the link and see a detailed product description, price, etc. Because your payment and shipping information is already stored in the app, with one last easy click, voila! You complete the order for the hat. Satisfied with your purchase, you go back to the main feed to continue watching algorithm-induced dance videos.

Later that day, you go to check on the delivery status of your purchase in TikTok’s ‘Order Center’. Within the recommended products section of the ‘Order Center’ display, you happen to notice a pair of high-tops that would pair perfectly with your new Adidas hat. A couple of clicks later and you’ve added them to your order, proving TikTok is as much of an ecommerce platform as it is for entertainment.

TikTok’s main objective – as well as any other social network’s – is to keep consumers on the app. Now within one location, users can carry out every aspect of the shopping journey, and they can do so in a place they visit organically. It’s never been easier to buy and sell on TikTok.

TikTok Shopping Ads: a suite of video, catalog, and live shopping ads

In addition to the ‘Order Center’, TikTok has launched a new suite of ads to simplify advertising on the platform. The ads are broken up into three formats: Video Shopping Ads, Catalog Listing Ads, and LIVE Shopping Ads.

Video Shopping Ads allow businesses to display product ads directly in videos that appear on the For You page. They harness the power of TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads to create custom content, placing products authentically amongst other consumed content on the app.

For a more scaled shopping experience, Catalog Listing Ads enable businesses to promote their product catalog within an ad. Instead of just highlighting one product, these ads showcase recommended or related products together, allowing users to browse a whole collection, which ultimately, increases the chance for higher sales.

And lastly, while Meta is pulling back on Facebook live shopping, TikTok is still betting on the trend. LIVE Shopping Ads appear on the For You page and direct users to businesses’ live shopping events. These ads can help drive traffic and boost sales during live streams.

Drive success on TikTok with P2C management

But keep in mind that for these features to make a positive impact on brand engagement and sales, businesses need to ensure their TikTok product listings and ads are powered by strong product feeds. With a product-to-consumer (P2C) strategy in place, companies can gain more control over their product data to make advertising and selling on TikTok a seamless part of their omnichannel operations.

Discover more of TikTok’s social commerce features in our Social commerce on TikTok guide.

About the author

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Megan Perkins

Senior PR & Communications Manager
Megan is the Senior PR & Communications Manager at Productsup. She leads media relations, manages communication strategies, oversees all content production, and drives brand visibility through targeted PR efforts.

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