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We enable the flow of perfect product content, fully optimized for every purpose, every channel and every target audience worldwide.

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success with P2C

Productsup is the Product-to-Consumer (P2C) platform that manages all your product content journeys, while fostering connections between brands, retailers, marketplaces and their consumers.

Explore the P2C platform

澳洲幸运5开奖号码直播查询+幸运5官网号码结果查询 Six products to cover your product content needs

  • advertising

    Advertising PX

    Leverage best-in-class Feed Management to enrich all of your product listings in minutes to create perfectly tailored content.

  • marketplaces

    Marketplaces PX

    Source, enrich and distribute engaging product listings on Amazon and all major marketplaces with our APIs.

  • retail

    Retail PX

    Syndicate flawless product content directly to all major retailers and GDSN with smart data enhancement.

  • distribution

    Distribution PX

    Share optimized product content to all industrial data pools and distributors. Reach every major global retailer or wholesaler.

  • onboarding

    Onboarding PX

    Collect, store, and optimize product data from any sources and in any format before publishing to your platform.

  • Product Guard.svg

    Product Guard PX

    Capture your product data with GS1-certified AI data capture technology. Optimized product content ready for syndication.


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Productsup’s AI and automation features enable you to work faster and perform better when creating and delivering hyper-personalized product content for global audiences. We help you implement these smart features strategically, so you can turn commerce complexity into a competitive advantage.

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Optimization tools

  • puma-white.svg
  • sephora-white.svg
  • sika-white.svg
  • aldi-white.svg
  • loreal-white.svg
  • hp-white.svg
  • woolworth-white.svg
  • eileen-fisher-white.svg
  • thule-white.svg
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  • helly-hansen-white.svg
  • beiersdorf-white.svg

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Channels to export flawless, audience-tailored product content

Each month we process
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We've designed our platform to make it easy for anyone to use. See for yourself!

  • demo-builder-cta

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& partnerships

Want to put it to the test? Get on board!

Your tailored demo will include:

  • A live Productsup platform demonstration
  • The solutions most relevant to your business
  • Real use cases from companies like yours

Grow your commerce, just like they did

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